How I Solved My Amazon Links Problem

I’ve been an Amazon affiliate for over a decade, probably since their launch. Unlike display ads, it’s not a huge money maker for me, but it’s not peanuts, either.

No other affiliate program ever came close to my conversion rates with Amazon Associates. Over the years, I tried affiliate programs with every possible platform- and some with their own platform. Commission rates were usually higher, but conversions were so low, that I always got back to Amazon.

If you’re an Amazon affiliate, you probably know all too well that they are phasing out their traditional affiliate link structure, aka the Sitestripe Link.

Note: As someone mentioned in the comments, this only applies to the image product links. If all you have is a text link, it should be fine.

I wasn’t happy When I learned about that a few weeks ago. Our sites have thousands of Amazon product links and the thought of replacing them all was daunting.

There was another problem: I needed to figure out how to embed Amazon product links moving forward. We’ve used a custom-coded plug-in for the last five years or so and I lost touch with that developer a long time ago. Having to find another coder to fix this would have been a pain.

Truth be told, that plugin was long overdue for a rehaul. It was originally coded for the classic WordPress editor. Whenever our writers needed to embed an Amazon product, they had to create a classic editor block and work with that. Not very convenient.

Fat Stacks forum member to the rescue!

I love the Fat Stacks forums!

The members there are not only friendly and supportive, but are also very talented! Last year, Sathoro (aka Connor) stepped up to create an AI writing platform that turned out to be a huge success.

And now, another forum member – walien aka Alan – saved the day!

Alan contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know he had created a WordPress plugin that replaces Sitestripe links with the new format Amazon put in place.

Relief in site! (Not a typo!)

We went on a call and talked about that. It was one of those serendipitous calls, where solutions align and things work out. Turned out that Alan had considered adding the functionality I needed to his plugin!

To cut a long story short, I found my solution! Alan developed the perfect plugin for me! I’ve been testing it for the last couple of weeks, and now that it’s running successfully across our websites, I’m happy to share it here!

The plugin is called AM Image Master and you can see it here.


For the next 9 days, you can get a lifetime deal on this plugin before they transition to annual subscriptions.

What does the AM Image Master do?

This plugin can do two things for you –

  1. Seamlessly replace your existing Sitestripe Amazon affiliate links
  2. Provide you with a super easy way to add Amazon products to your site

It’s as simple and effective as it sounds.

Our team loves the new plugin! All they need to do now is –

  1. Select the AM Image Master block on WordPress
  2. Paste in the URL to the Amazon product page
  3. Add a CTA (optional)

And voila!

Why this plugin and not AWWP or Lasso?

I tried both AWWP and Lasso. They’re both good plugins but not a good fit for me. I needed something much more straightforward – to deploy affordably across multiple sites.

My Amazon affiliate strategy is simple. We write helpful informational articles. If we think a reader may benefit from suggesting a product on Amazon, we do that. We embed the product image and a very simple CTA, such as “see this product on Amazon.”

That’s it. We don’t do product reviews. No pros and cons. No comparison tables.

These elements may work in affiliate sites, but I have found them redundant in our informational content sites. We get 10%+ conversion rates this way and that’s enough for me.

As such, I don’t need the bells and whistles of the more expensive plugins. I just needed a simple way for our writers to embed products directly from WordPress. That’s why AM Image Master is perfect for my needs.

Don’t miss out on the Lifetime Deal

If you have simple content niche sites like I do and think this could be a good solution, sign up in the next 10 days to get the lifetime deal.


  1. I’m a bit confused. You say that “Sitestripe Links” are going away. My understanding was that they announced a phasing out of the text+image links. I didn’t think there had been any mention of text-only links created by Sitestripe. Am I missing something?

    • Hi Sonserae,
      I don’t really know how Weebly or Wix work. With a site that’s intended to generate revenue, I would keep it on WordPress. The abundance of plugins and platform solutions would be a major consideration. So, for someone with a Weebly site, I would suggest reaching out to Weebly to ask about code replacement, and hiring a developer to fix the code. Alternatively, it may be easier to switch over to WordPress?

  2. If I install this plug in on my WP site to fix all my Amazon affiliate images, do you know if I remove the plug in and/or cancel my subscription in the future, will all of my affiliate link images disappear again?

    • As far as I know, the links stay. It does a search & replace of the code. The only thing you’re going to lose is the ability to use it to embed future Amazon products. But, reach out to them and ask, just in case anything has changed.

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